Husband & Lovers

Rupert Bauerlien

His Sun, his moon, the only one, the one true lover he will stand beside if worse comes to worst, they've been together through thick and thin it feels like, and nothing will ever change that.

Lefra Ymir

A fling of sorts maybe something more who knows, Rathor has been known to be a flirt, but it seems like this bun gal took it seriously for the first time in a while, and getting permission from his pink haired husband they are now going steady or testing the water's one could say.


Alastor Va'des

His brother, his friend, his boss none of that matter's to Rathor he will not ever betray this man who saved him, from his lowest point in his life he will always be forever grateful to Alastor for helping him become who he is today.... even if the person he is now isn't all that good.